Living on the go, a multitude of responsibilities and unexpected random events are things we struggle with almost every day. We feel as if we are running out of time and have more and more trouble keeping track of the deadlines. We notice a drop in concentration, and this is where frustration comes in. Initially our problems at work and/or in our relationships seem to be a transient stage and have little impact on the way others perceive us. Gradually we lock ourselves out in our inner worlds, unwilling to bother our closest ones with what is bothering us. Sometimes it results from a sense of shame and helplessness, both of which we treat as weaknesses. This is especially true for men, who find it difficult to accept the loss of control over their lives.

In such cases, individual psychotherapy may prove to be an effective way to rebuild a healthy attitude towards life. Treatment is based on the diagnosis of emotional disturbances in the course of direct contact between the patient and the psychotherapist. Unlike group therapy, “face-to-face” meetings make it easier to establish a trustful relationship, without which there can be no effective individual therapy. Katowice is where you can find professional psychotherapeutic help from specialists in individual psychotherapy for children and adults.

Our centre gathers highly qualified staff of practitioners, who are at your disposal over the course of treatment. For us, each patient is a personality and character that we want to know in order to apply appropriate psychotherapeutic methods. During consultations, we diagnose the problem, conduct a thorough psychoanalysis and undertake an appropriate treatment. We know how important empathy or understanding is, therefore the individual psychotherapy we offer covers areas of behaviour that are difficult to share with even the closest family. We provide you with our full support, backed by professional knowledge and experience.


Psychotherapy for adults

An adult is a structured individual whose identity and self-esteem influence specific behaviors and subjective assessment of a situation. While a child can be compared to plasticine, which is relatively easy to shape, an adult is more like modeline, whose structure is difficult to alter. In our practice we use various methods or techniques of therapeutic work, which include both short and long term treatment. As far as individual therapy is concerned, Katowice and its regional psychotherapeutic practices address their offer to individuals with problems such as:

  • neurosis and depression,
  • anxiety, panic attacks,
  • personality/eating/adaptation disorders,
  • phobias,
  • disorderly relations with others and many other issues.

Adult psychotherapy is burdened with some kind of risk, resulting from the patient’s personality type, attitude to therapy, resistance to change and fear of realizing the essence of the condition. Mental blockage as well as a lack of positive thinking and motivation have the potential to slow down the treatment process in the initial phase. As an experienced team of specialists, we are committed to achieving emotional readiness of our patients, giving them hope for recovery. The psychotherapeutic methods we use include:

  • psychodynamic psychotherapy,
  • cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy,
  • integrative psychotherapy.


Psychodynamic psychotherapy

The psychodynamic psychotherapy is one of the most popular forms of long-term therapy nowadays. Its roots go back to the beginning of the 20th century and psychoanalysis developed by Zygmunt Freud, who created this method as a revolutionary treatment for neurosis at that time.
Contemporary psychodynamic therapy is based on observing a complex interaction between the client and the therapist during sessions. This observation identifies the ways in which we enter into relationships with others and gives an insight into how unconscious patterns of thinking and behaviour shape our mental and social life.
Psychodynamic psychotherapy is an excellent tool for self-knowledge and personal development, and has proven to be effective in treating conditions such as:

  • problems and conflicts in relations with loved ones
  • chronic stress, exhaustion, permanent fatigue
  • anxiety, fearful thoughts, panic attacks
  • a sense of meaninglessness of life, of being unable to find oneself, of being unable to take action
  • occurrence of intrusive thoughts and obsessions
  • experience of loneliness
  • failure to cope with traumatic events
  • need for in-depth self-knowledge and mental development
  • DDA syndrome


Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy

The cognitive-behavioral approach is sometimes called a “second force” in psychology and is among the most popular forms of psychotherapy alongside psychoanalysis. It has been successfully used around the world in a number of clinical applications. It derives from behaviorism, developed by B.F. Skinner.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy and related experimental behavioral analysis is a method concentrated on behavioral and thinking patterns that shape our inner life and the ways we respond to social situations. In the course of therapy, we first try to identify these patterns, get to know as well as possible the patterns of rewarding ourselves and avoiding annoyance, notice logical and functional errors in them, and then systematically develop new and more adaptive patterns.
Behavioural and cognitive therapy celebrates scientifically proven success in many areas, such as:

  • eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia),
  • phobias of any kind,
  • panic attacks,
  • therapy for autistic disorders.


Integrative psychotherapy

Integrative psychotherapy is an approach that combines ways of looking at a person and their suffering through the prism of different psychotherapeutic currents.

The cross-sectional research on the effectiveness of psychotherapy in its various variants proves that it is impossible to explain all mental phenomena or solve complex human problems by referring to a single stream of thinking or acting.
The principle of integrative therapy is to flexibly adapt the approach and applied techniques to the specific challenges of an individual. The aim of integrative work is to gradually alleviate suffering and permanently remove its sources, as well as to restore and create healthy bonds, develop the ability to love, work and play.

The integrative model uses the theoretical and practical achievements of such movements as psychoanalysis, the Eriksonian therapy, psychosomatic therapy, mindfullness and/or systemic therapy. Thanks to this flexible approach, a therapeutic change can be achieved on several levels of functioning simultaneously.

Integrative psychotherapy is effective in dealing with such problems as:

  • neurosis,
  • depression,
  • psychosomatic disorders,
  • personality disorders,
  • eating disorders,
  • PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder),
  • adaptive disorders,
  • DDA syndrome,
  • problems in relationships,
  • other not mentioned.

Adult therapists that work for us:

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Mariola Reroń16:00-19:00