Counselling for couples in Katowice

TOWARDS THE CENTRE is a complex of offices offering psychotherapeutic assistance not only for individuals, but also for couples undergoing a crisis in their relationship, which they cannot cope with on their own. Our specialists will provide you with professional support in case of such problems as decrease of mutual interest, frequent quarrels, verbal and non-verbal violence, infidelity or feeling of burnout in a relationship. Maintaining a harmonious relationship is a major challenge for most couples, especially for anyone who did not have a suitable model in the form of their family members. A decision to try and save the relationship can be the first step towards solving shared problems. In order to avoid a break-up or divorce, many clients choose the form of help that is marriage counselling. Katowice is where our experts are willing to help people willing to participate in such sessions.

Marital Therapy – Problems with communication

Very often, the reason for the problems that accumulate in a relationship is the difficulty of communication between partners. Frequently those problems result from upbringing, which has made it hard for people to talk about their feelings in a constructive way and without hurting the other party. Trying to get along is often impossible because people in couples are unable to look at their situation from an external perspective. In such situations, it is essential to have an impartial person who listens to both participants and investigates the sources of problems. A psychotherapist is often the right kind of specialist.

The psychotherapist’s office is a neutral ground for solving problems, where clients can open up to the specialist and tell exactly how the interaction looks like and what are the inflammatory factors in the relationship. The expert will advise you about the principles to follow in your communication in order to be able to express your opinion in a non-harmful way and to listen to the other party and approach him/her with due empathy. For those who want to overcome problems concerning their relationship, we recommend a solution, which is therapy for couples. Katowice is where our experts provide such services to everybody who is willing to do it.

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Deciding on the future of a relationship

Visiting a specialist in a relationship crisis is often used as a last resort for a crumbling marriage or a romantic relationship. As a result of ongoing conflict and the inability to get along, it is often difficult for couples to determine whether they still have feelings for each other or whether they should part. A visit to a specialist's office can help in such decisions. The professional will help those in a relationship to answer this extremely important question by conducting the therapy in an appropriate manner. All people struggling with a crisis in their relationship are encouraged to use the possibilities offered by marriage therapy. Katowice is where qualified specialists at TOWARDS THE CENTRE offices provide their services, warmly inviting you to make direct contact in order to arrange meetings. If living in harmony with oneself is one of the most difficult arts, the ability to live with another person certainly belongs to the very same category. As a result of life changes, unexpected events, the emergence of a new family member or other circumstances, it sometimes happens that people who have been living in harmony cease to listen to each other. The foundation of any relationship is communication. Our specialists in couples' and married couples' therapy will help you to establish a platform of mutual understanding. In the course of the therapy, we look at what each party cares about, what values are central to them and what makes life with the other person most difficult. If necessary, we also analyse the relationship-building patterns we have inherited from our ancestors. The therapy for couples in the TOWARDS THE CENTRE is conducted by experienced specialists with many years of experience in supporting relationships. We invite you for a consultation, during which we will together determine what are the challenges you are facing and how to meet them.

Terapia par w gabinetach W STRONĘ CENTRUM prowadzona jest przez doświadczonych specjalistów z wieloletnią praktyką w pomaganiu związkom. Zapraszamy na konsultację, na której wspólnie ustalimy, jakie stoją przed Wami wyzwania i jak wyjść im naprzeciw.

Couple counselling specialists

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Mariola Reroń16:00-19:00